How to Prepare For Plastic Free July, And Not Get Overwhelmed!

We are half way through June, and less than a month away from the start of Plastic Free July. Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. With a couple of weeks to go, now is the perfect time to prepare for this month of conscious consumption, and make sustainable choices and create habits which will hopefully last a long time after Plastic Free July has ended!

Where did this start?

Plastic Free July is a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation, a campaign which has now been running since 2011, and has challenged millions of people to reduce their single use plastic.


It’s super simple to get involved, but sometimes the thought of changing your habits, especially in this time of uncertainty can be overwhelming! In light of this I’ve compiled a list of the things I think are most important during this challenge.

Begin from where you are.


This is my mantra for sustainability, always. We can all make meaningful changes, within our circumstances. A name like ‘Plastic Free July’ sounds very ominous to someone who has maybe not considered their plastic consumption before. If this is the case, use this challenge to set some goals that are easily actionable, but will make a huge difference.

For first time participants, how about trying to cut out the ‘Big 4’ plastic offenders? The common throw away, single use items that we use every day: plastic bags, disposable water bottles, plastic straws and plastic coffee cups. This is a great place to start, and all that is required is a little forward planning (see next section!)

If you’ve been living low-waste for longer, perhaps you can set yourself a bigger challenge, such as avoiding all plastic food packaging? Or buying only zero-waste toiletries?

The challenge can be as easy or as difficult as you make it!

Preparation is key.

As with all things which involve a change of habit, preparation is key! Planning to have the resources and equipment you need throughout this challenge will mean that you will be less likely to be caught short and need to buy/use plastic.

My day-to-day zero-waste items.

My day-to-day zero-waste items.

So this could be as simple as making sure you have your reusable shopping bags in your car or in your day bag to use if you shop. Going for a walk, you might want to carry your reusable flask/coffee cup with you, in case your favourite spot is open again and you fancy a hot drink! Carrying your own cutlery is also a great way of avoiding single use.

If you have been wanting to invest in into longer lasting items then great, here is a list of the things that I use day-to-day which always help me reduce single-use consumption (I will be writing a full blog post on my favourite zero-waste/low-waste items soon!). I bought these items over time, replacing the things that I already had when they weren’t able to be used anymore:

  • A reusable cutlery set.

  • A reusable water bottle.

  • A reusable coffee cup.

  • Reusable shopping bags.

  • Reusable cotton produce bags

  • Stainless steel containers

  • Reusable snack bags

Otherwise, there are many things that you can use instead. Use what you have! A glass jar is great to use to carry food like salads with you, a bottle you bought that contained a drink, you can reuse, reuse the plastic bags you already have if you don’t want to buy a reusable shopping bag. Buying green is still buying, and it isn’t necessary to reduce your waste.

Use What You have!

However, if it will genuinely serve you, and enable you to make more eco-conscious decisions, then go for it! If you’ve been planning to invest in a cutlery set, check out the beautiful reusable bamboo cutlery sets on sale here. (Shameless plug….But they are incredibly lovely!)

If you’re willing to try out new places, to prepare further, you can investigate which shops in your local area are zero-waste or have bulk and refill sections, or produce with no packaging. A lot of Turkish Supermarkets in London have an abundance of loose fruit and veg. Just remember your reusable grocery bags to use instead of the plastic bags provided!

Some of my favourite places in North London with zero-waste options are: - Located in Stoke Newington, North London. A fantastic range of loose culinary and medicinal herbs, tinctures and powders, as well as staple grains and legume and household goods. - Located in Newington Green, North London. Refills of spray deodorant, olive oil, a huge variety of grains and legumes as well as other household goods. - Perry Court Farm Stall, at the Islington Farmers Market in North London. An amazing selection of produce which is almost all without plastic (and those that have plastic you’re able to decant and leave with them to reuse), and incredibly good value!

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Enjoy the process.

A challenge is going to be difficult, right? But Plastic Free July is all about creating better habits and becoming aware of the waste you produce. It’s a process and it isn’t going to be perfect!

Though it may definitely be tough at times to make the ‘right’ decisions, and you might go without your favourite packet of crisps, or your favourite takeaway, hopefully what you are gaining is the satisfaction of knowing that you are choosing to consume mindfully, reducing your waste and preventing further plastic pollution. With the levels of plastic in the ocean, and micro plastics in our food chain, this can only be a good thing!

Get involved.

Being involved in the challenge is the most important thing! Getting motivation and inspiration from those taking part is what it’s all about. Get ready to join this worldwide movement with millions of other people. I will be sharing tips and tricks throughout the month on over on instagram. Use the hashtag #greensoulgraceplasticfreejuly to let us all see how you’re preparing for Plastic Free July, and how you’re progressing as the month goes on.

With love and big plastic-free energy!

Grace x

